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upcoming and current Events 

The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time as the world is strengthening its efforts to mobilize, create and drive solutions to realize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. As one of the first milestones of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ newly launched Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, the Conference will propel much needed science-based innovative solutions aimed at starting a new chapter of global ocean action.

We are facing a perfect storm. On the one hand, the government and industry increasingly see the ocean as an important source of economic growth; on the other, they are tasked with countering the existential threat the ocean faces due to these (and other, land-based) activities. Businesses want to invest but are unsure about the risks due to ocean degradation and associated regulation. This dichotomy is evident in two of the most pressing issues facing the ocean: overfishing (and the related issues of fishing subsidies and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing), and the question of how to manage plastic pollution (a complex land-based issue, but one that has a profound effect on the ocean). A more forthright discussion about these and other trade-offs is an essential part of the new ocean agenda.

Intellectual Knowledge Registry, 27 of June, 2019

The Entrepreneurs Club &

International IP Commercialization Council

invites to:


...A revolution in determining IP proof with the

Intellectual Knowledge Registry.

How do you provide  Proof of Existence (PoE) of a secret without revealing the secret!

Trade secrets are typically a company´s most valuable intangible asset. Economist estimate that trade secrets comprise roughly two-thirds of the value of a company´s intellectual property (IP) portfolio, reflecting how it provides a key competitive advantage.


Learn how to protect trade secrets and much more about `protecting your Intellectual Property. Our special speaker is:


Michael Lin

Board Director,

International Intellectual Property Commercialization Council


Thursday 27 of June

6:30 to 8:15 pm

Venue 4/F Grand Progress Bldg. 15/16 Lan Kwai Fong, HK

Fee: HK$250

Welcome to Plasticity - the global forum for practical, progressive thinkers who are excited about the future of plastic and the planet.

A one-day intensive collaboration of business leaders and industry influencers, Plasticity sparks the conversations that ignite world-changing initiatives.

Utilizing a "Ted-Talks" style format, Plasticity introduces practical sustainability concepts that are relevant to today's business world and showcases new market opportunities for transforming plastic waste into valuable second-life resources.


Plasticity is much more than a conference: it's a global movement of informed eco-optimism, fuelled by exciting

new circular economic thinking and ground-breaking technological advances.

Since its inaugural forum in 2012 at the Rio+20 Earth Summit,

Plasticity has been conducted in Hong Kong, New York, Lisbon, Shanghai, London, Dallas, Los Angeles, Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, and Suva.

Now, the 12th Global Plasticity Forum is coming to Amsterdam, with local and international speakers, presentations, panels, networking opportunities, and lots of ideas.

Join us in Amsterdam on 20 June 2019 - and be part of the big conversation!


We are delighted to invite you to the launch of Chandran Nair's latest book:


The Sustainable State:

The Future of Government, Economy, and Society


which details the political and economic path large developing countries need to take in a more constrained future. 


Date: Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

Venue: Metta, 21/F California Tower, 30-32 D'Aguilar St, Central, Hong Kong

Time: 18:30 - 20:30


In his book, Chandran shows that the West's market-dominated model will be an ecological and social disaster for the developing world. Instead, development must be directed by a strong central state that can guide the economy, protect the environment, and prioritize meeting their people's basic needs. Development needs to be oriented towards the greatest good: clean drinking water for the many over swimming pools for the few.


Click here to reserve your seat.


ESG: Greening the Belt and Road Initiative 

for our planet/tomorrow/a brighter future

Actionable Thoughts

Date: October 12, 2018 (Friday).

Time: 3pm– 6pm 

Venue: Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central


Organized by China Daily, ERE & Ascent Partners



Supporting Organizations

Bright Hong Kong

The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies




  • Dr. Jonathan Beard Dr. Jonathan, Executive Director; Head of Business Advisory and Head of Transportation & Logistics in Asia for Arcadis.

  • Ms. Ernestina Wong, General Manager, Corporate Development of Airport Authority in Hong Kong.

  • Ms. Mei Ng, BBS Chairperson of Friends of the Earth .


Launch of the book ¨Words of Hope¨

¨Words of Hope in Troubled Times¨ is a major collection of speeches by  


José Ramos-Horta 

Peace Nobel Laureate

former President of Timor-Leste 

This work includes a call-to-action on the key issues facing our world today.

¨The Twenty-first Century offers us a chance, a unique chance, to coalesce around common global interests - to reverse the nefarious consequences of climate change, manage clean water reserves that are becoming a rare commodity, save our polluted rivers, lakes, and seas, replenish the depleted fish stock, eliminate extreme poverty and hunger, and de-escalate tensions on the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea, and between India and Pakistan, India and China. If we were to spend less on armament, we would be able to spend more on education, health, and food security for all…¨

The ceremony to launch this book is jointly organized  by organized by Bright Hong Kong and the University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU and will be held:             


Thursday, 6 September 2018

18:00 to 20:00 Hrs

Drake Gallery, 1/F Fung Ping Shan Bldg,

University Museum and Art Gallery, HKU,

90 Bonham Rd, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

By Invitation Only

Inquiries at

Tel. 9301 3780



José Ramos-Horta



Some current positions


  • Member, High-Level Board on Mediation, established by the UN Secretary-General (2017-2019); 

  • External Advisor to the President of the UN General Assembly, 2017-2018;

  • Commissioner, Global Commission on Drug Policy, Geneva, 2017 - ).


Recent past international positions


  • Chair, High-Level Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations, appointed by the UN Secretary-General (November 2014 - 2015), UNHQ, NY;

  • Co-Chair, Independent Commission on Multilateralism, (2014-2016), International Peace Institute, NY;

  • Under-Secretary-General, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Peace-Building Mission in Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) (Jan 2013- June 2014)


Past national positions 


  • President of the Republic (2007 - 2012) 

  • Prime Minister, Minister of Defence (2006-2007)

  • Senior Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (2002-2006)


¨Words of Hope¨ is available online at Book Depository with free delivery in Hong Kong.

Bright Hong Kong jointly organized with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), Asia Global Institute and the Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, a lecture on:


¨Challenges in the Protection of the Rights of Refugees and Migrants¨

with José Ramos-Horta Peace Nobel Laureate



We are living witnesses of a massive dislocation of peoples without precedent in modern history. The millions of unwanted and unwelcome, Les Damnés de la Terre (Frantz Fanon), barely surviving on the periphery, at the edges and shadows of the affluent and ostentatious minority of humanity, are inching themselves into the midst of the wealthy few, changing the demographics of the countries of the rich North. The old Europe that colonized much of the world emerged from WWII destroyed and quickly rebuilt, prospered and reconciled, has done much for the rest of the world, being the single largest provider of development assistance to countries of the poorer South.


It is undergoing tectonic changes, with extremist right-wing ideologies reminiscent of the 1930's, inciting divisions on ethnic, skin color and religious basis, causing a spiral of racially motivated violence in many European cities. Some leaders of the richest and most powerful country on Earth have forgotten their own history, of extreme poverty and religious wars; instead of showing moral leadership in these challenging times they instigate intolerance, racism, and violence.

About the speaker

HE José Ramos-Horta was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1996 jointly with Mr. Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor, a former Portuguese possession that was under Indonesian control from 1975 to 1999. HE Ramos-Horta served as the Prime Minister of East Timor from 2006 to 2007 and as the President from 2007 to 2012. He has also served as the External Advisor to the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) since 2017.


HE Ramos-Horta studied law in the United States before he returned to East Timor (which was under Portuguese rule) to participate in the independence movement. He was forced to flee to Mozambique from 1970 to 1972. Upon his return, he sided with the pro-independence Fretilin faction in the East Timor civil war. The Fretilin gained control of the government on 28 Nov 1975 and declared East Timor’s independence. HE Ramos-Horta was then named Foreign Minister. However, nine days later Indonesia invaded East Timor, and HE Ramos-Horta was again forced into exile. Eventually settling in Sydney, Australia, HE Ramos-Horta joined the faculty of the University of New South Wales and became one of the primary voices for East Timor in the international arena, as East Timor’s de facto ambassador to the United Nations. He spoke out against human rights violations by the occupying Indonesian military forces and promoted a peace plan to end the violence in his country. In 1996, he received the Nobel Peace Prize and gave the award and prize money to a program called Microcredit for the Poor. He returned home in 1999 after the UN Security Council established the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor.


HE Ramos-Horta continued to urge forgiveness and reconciliation and was appointed East Timor’s Foreign Minister in 2000. He continued to serve in that office after East Timor achieved full sovereignty in 2002. In 2006, fighting erupted in the country after Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri fired hundreds of soldiers who had gone on strike to protest against discrimination. Criticized for his handling of the crisis, Alkatiri resigned and was replaced by HE Ramos-Horta, who took office in Jul 2006. In May 2007, HE Ramos-Horta was elected President, garnering nearly 70 percent of the votes. The following year he was seriously injured after being shot by rebels outside his home in Dili, East Timor. He recovered and served out the rest of his term.

Challenges in the Protection of the Rights of Refugees and Migrants

On his next visit to Hong Kong on September 7th,


José Ramos-Horta


 Nobel Peace Laureate and former President of East Timor will offer a lecture at the HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study on


¨Challenges in the Protection of the Rights of Refugees and Migrants¨

Friday 7 September 2018

10:30 to 12:00 Hrs

IAS Lecture Theater

Lo Ka Chung Building

Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST

* This event is jointly organized

by Bright Hong Kong and HKUST



Abstract.- We are living witnesses of a massive dislocation of peoples without precedent in modern history.  The millions of unwanted and unwelcome, Les Damnés de la Terre (Franz Fanon), barely surviving on the periphery, at the edges and shadows of the affluent and ostentatious minority of humanity, are inching themselves into the midst of the wealthy few, changing the demographics of the countries of the rich North. 


The old Europe that colonized much of the world emerged from WWII destroyed and quickly rebuilt, prospered and reconciled, has done much for the rest of the world, is the single largest provider of development assistance to countries of the poorer South. 


It is undergoing tectonic changes, with extremist right-wing ideologies reminiscent of the 30's, inciting divisions on ethnic, skin color and religious basis, causing a spiral of racially motivated violence in many European cities. 

Some leaders of the richest and most powerful country on Earth have forgotten their own history, of extreme poverty and religious wars; instead of showing moral leadership in these challenging times they instigate intolerance, racism, and violence. ​

Rethinking Hong Kong´s relations with Mainland China

Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist and Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's Institute of Environment and Division of Environment and Sustainability, will speak to Bright Hong Kong about the role of Hong Kong in the national context of an emerging China as world power and the growing importance of a dialogue with Beijing to design a shared future from the perspective of mutual interest. By invitation only.

What are the aims of this workshop?

With the growing focus on smart city technologies, cities must now be liveable and sustainable, as well as smart. In other words, for cities to prepare themselves for the future, sustainability has to be incorporated in urban development, coping with population changes and use of natural resources. A sustainable city is a resilient city because the future of Hong Kong is increasingly volatile, uncertain, chaotic, and ambigious. A Smart City utilises technology to improve the speed and quality of decision-making, with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of life for all residents.


But how can future smart cities like Hong Kong come up with a model for sustainability? What measures should we be taking in the short-term, medium-term and long-term? How do we connect and negotiate ‘smartness’ with Hong Kong’s sustainable development? Take the example where old industrial buildings should be easily and quickly converted into smart dormintories… but in today’s environment, that is just as empty.


Member, HKD 280

Supporting Organizations and their Clients, (code required), HKD 480

Non-member, HKD 780

Who are the contributors this time?

Invited (in alpha):

Mr. Wilfred Au, Director of Planning and Design, URA

Dr. Sujata Govada, UDP International

Ms. Waltraut Ritter, Knowledge Dialogues

Dr Thomas Tang, Independent Sustainability Consultant (Main Facilitator) 

You are cordially invited to attend ¨HKUST LAPP Distinguished Lecture Series - People, Partnership & Prosperity: Why American Cities are Engaging with the World¨ — Speaker: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

As the chief executive of Los Angeles – the most diverse city in the world and home to the third-largest metropolitan economy on the planet – Mayor Eric Garcetti will address why Los Angeles is engaging with counterparts beyond the city's borders, how his administration is using international partnerships to advance local priorities, and where cities can and should lead on the great global challenges of our time.


In an era when core issues transcend municipal and national boundaries — from climate change to security to innovation to economic anxiety, inequality, and opportunity — cities have a vested interest in addressing them, drawing from the best expertise available worldwide, and exchanging the most effective ideas, policies, and practices with counterparts on distant shores. Cities have earned an essential role on the global stage, and Mayor Garcetti will lay out his vision for how they can play it. 

Event Details


Date: 1 Aug 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 8:15 am – 9:30 am (Reception will start at 8:00 am with light refreshments)

Venue: HKUST Business School Central

Address: Rm 1501- 02, 15/F Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road 

RSVP: This is a free event, but registration is needed. Please click HERE to sign up for the event. 

(*Due to the limited availability of seats, confirmation will be sent by email once pre-registration is approved.

Thank you for your understanding.) 

Date: 13 June 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 8:30 am – 11:00 am 

Venue: HKUST Business School Central

Address: Rm 1501- 02, 15/F

Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road

Map and directions: : 


According to MSCI 2018 report on climate change, when compared to all the other major economies, Southeast Asia has among the highest physical risk under both low-warming scenarios (+2 - +2.5 degrees Celsius) and the high-warming scenarios of +6 degrees Celsius. Economic losses are projected to reach 14.37% of GDP and that number excludes other equally large climate change-related costs such as migration, diseases and social conflict.

These alarming facts put into stress-test the future of many financial institutions, insurance companies, businesses as well as regulators. It also raises questions and offers opportunities related to the Greater Bay Area’s (GBA) ambitious plan to develop a world-class city cluster, by levering on technology, innovation, talents, high-tech manufacturing, tourism and sophisticated financial and professional services. The only viable solution to climate change lies with the ability of local governments to actively engage the private sector and investors in catalyzing private capital while providing a sound framework for attractive market returns.


Consequently, this seminar would like to address the burning question on how the above risks and opportunities are or should be incorporated into the GBA plan and strategy.


- What kind of infrastructure projects are in the pipeline and the financing needed to support the greening of infrastructure in a way that is appealing to all market players? 


   - What are the current financing policy on the mainland and the local provinces? 


   - Is the insurance sector able to bear and transfer the climate risk? 


   - What can they do to reduce the current widening of the “protection gap”? 


   - Are there other macro risks, like society risk linked to climate change and ageing population? 


   - How can sustainable bonds support these developments?


There has never been a better timing to finance green infrastructure projects. There has never been a better opportunity for Hong Kong to place itself as the super-connector for the region and beyond.

Management of the nexus between cities and their surrounding landscapes is central to most pressing sustainability issues, including the degree to which connections to regional landscapes provide health, vitality and a sense of place to urban residents. Numerous ¨sustainable¨ solutions have failed due to lack of understanding of the city-landscape system as a whole.

Through cross-disciplinary collaboration, the Association of the Pacific Rim Universities’ Sustainable Cities and Landscape Hub aims to advance the sustainability of human societies, focusing on the relationship of the cities and landscapes across the Pacific Rim. The hub seeks to enhance landscape-level sustainability and resilience in the face of continued expansion of cities and the impacts of climate change, under four guiding principles:

* We want our work to be transformative.

* We strive towards broad and diverse understanding of sustainability.

* We seek broad geopolitical representation across the Pacific Rim.

* We will address the needs of underrepresented communities and vulnerable populations.

2018 APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference, The University of Hong Kong

APRU-SCL conferences provide opportunities for academics and experts from different regions, cultures and disciplines around the Pacific Rim to explore and collaborate on common sustainability challenges and to develop new understandings and responses that can foster transformative change within cities, and between cities and their surrounding landscapes.

2018 APRU-SCL Conference at The University of Hong Kong, will be structured around 10 to 12 thematic working groups (WG), each with 10-12 members.

* Productive cities, infrastructural ecologies

* City-landscape sustainability

* Urban biodiversity

* Urban renewable energy

* Sustainable urban design

* Urban water and sanitation

* Urban-rural linkages

* Transitions in urban waterfronts

* Vulnerable communities

* Landscape and human health

* Waste

* Smart Cities

Conference Extensions

A separate design field school, led by instructors from the University of Hong Kong (in partnership with local academics, environmental and social groups) will be run immediately before the conference.  The field school is open to students of participating APRU-SCL Hub, and will investigate the impact of rapid modernisation on the sustainability of the landscapes and communities of East Java.   Participants will be invited to join one of the working groups at the conference and present the outcomes of the field school at one-day public seminar in Hong Kong.

Click here for Design field school


How to participate?

Conference participation is not limited to APRU institutions. We welcome researchers, professionals, policymakers, and community leaders from around the world.

Deadline for applications to join a working group is May 31, 2018.  Applications will be reviewed by the Working Group leaders and the APRU-SCL Committee and applicants notified by June 14, 2018.

Apply Here!

Save our Seas - Conservation Day at The Beach

Help Save our Seas by joining with your family our Conservation Day @ The Beach

Saturday, May 26 at Pui O Beach (Lantau) from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Reserve your space. Click here!!!!

Brought to you by Treasure Island Group with The Mexican Chamber of Commerce and the Consulate General of Mexico in Hong Kong, with the support of WWF Hong Kong. Special thanks to Moonzen Brewery. 


The Save Our Seas Conservation Day @ The Beach seeks to increase awareness about the importance of the conservation of our oceans and the species that live in it. Help us highlight the role we all can play in preventing pollution, promoting sustainable fisheries, and protecting biodiversity.


The following activities will take place:


1.   Beach Cleanup, as part of the awareness campaign to free our oceans of plastic. Children will also be invited to participate in Junior Eco-Warrior activities.


2.    Wall Art Painting. All are invited to paint a design made by Mexican artist Jaime Ruiz Martínez to continue promoting the efforts to save two critically endangered marine species in Mexico: the vaquita marina porpoise and the totoaba fish. Totoaba is illegally fished in Mexico because of the high demand for its maw in the south China region. The vaquita entangle in illegal gillnets and ghost nets.


3.    Screening of film “A Plastic Ocean” by Craig Leeson. 


4.  Short presentation on environmental challenges and conservation efforts. We will highlight the contributions of private individuals and civil society organizations around the world. 


5.    Camping. See information below.


Treasure Island will provide a buffet lunch for all and organize all activities. A donation is needed to cover expenses. Remaining funds will be destined for ghost net removal activities in Hong Kong. Hundreds of kilometres of fishing nets are abandoned by humans in the ocean every year, killing animals for decades before they disintegrate. The cost per participant is HKD 250 (HKD 150 per child under 15).


To participate please confirm your space at or send an e-mail before May 19 to the following address:


CAMPING OPTIONS: Treasure Island invites participants to stay the night and camp. Advance booking can be done on their website ( using PayPal. The rental fee for a tent for 2 people is HKD 500, and for a family-size tent (4-6 people) is HKD 700. A HKD 500 security deposit is also needed. This includes a simple breakfast (coffee, tea, fruits, toast/croissant, butter and jam). For dinner, a simple beach bar style menu will be available for purchase. Check-out time on Sunday is 12pm.


The detailed schedule of activities is as follows:



Saturday, May 26


9am: Campsite CHECK-IN opens. Treasure Island is a short minibus ride away from Mui Wo (Lantau).


10am: SHORT PRESENTATION. We will focus on what we can do to help, and issues facing endangered species.


10:30am: WALL PAINTING SESSION 1. Everyone is invited to help paint the mural.



12:30pm: Buffet lunch 







6:00pm: SCREENING of film “A Plastic Ocean”, by Craig Leeson.


7:00pm: End of Conservation Day 



Hong Kong’s Unique Open Data Policy

Bright Hong Kong supports  Invotech’s Smarter Hong Kong series


In this co-creation workshop within Invotech’s Smarter Hong Kong series, we shall invite government departments, smart citizens, students, experts and contributors to discuss the main elements that should be include in our own city’s Open Data Policy.  Join us for this unique chance to interact and to innovate.    

This workshop is about framing, sharing, and co-creating. 

Why are we doing this?

A Smart City needs to be a connected city, but a ¨Smarter¨ city knows how and when to connect.  Hong Kong is far from being connected. Now is time to connect our Smart Citizens with Smart Global Experts, and contribute to grounding our Smart City. Through a series of half-day talks each month, Invotech with our supporting partners brings the world of innovation and technology to Hong Kong and exposes Hong Kong to the world.  

Such workshops are building and creating Smart Buildings, Smart Living, Smart Communities, and Smart Citizens. Let’s make Hong Kong into a more competitive city, and let’s have fun upgrading the quality of living while we become smarter. 


Member, HKD 280

* Supporting Organization with Code, HKD 480

* Non-member, HKD 780


Who are the contributors this time?


* Wilfred Au, Director, Planning and Design, Urban Renewal Authority.

* Peter Cheung, SBS, and the former Head of the Intellectual Properties Department of the HKSAR Government.

* Donald Mak, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (IT Infrastructure), OGCIO, HKSAR Government.

* Waltraut Ritter, Principal, Knowledge Dialogues|EuroCham ICT Business Council.  Invotech’s Honorary City Ambassador to Berlin.

* Frank Yam, Past President of ISACA China Hong Kong.

Reinventing the European Democracy & Leadership

The 2nd of May, Bright Hong Kong will be hosting a meeting with Alexander Krijger who is Vice-chair of the Atlantic Commission in The Netherlands. He will be diserting on:


¨Reinventing the European Democracy and Leadership¨


Alex Krijger has more than 20 years international experience in managing complex business related international government affairs-issues and geopolitical security risks with high business/financial value at stake. 


He has extensive experience in various senior governmental affairs roles in both business (Royal Dutch Shell) as well as politics. He has actively worked on complicated issues and projects in Europe, North America, MENA, Russia, Sub Saharan Africa and Asia. He published four books and various articles on political and historical subjects. 


Alex’ latest book ¨JFK: Idealist zonder illusies¨ was published in October 2017. He is also the Vice-chair of the Atlantic Commission in The Netherlands. He studied at the University Leiden and the IMD Business School in Lausanne. Alex is Founder & Managing Partner of Krijger & Partners. Geopolitical Risk and Issue Management. 

The U.S. & China: The End of the Affair. With due respect to Graham Greene.....

In a session scheduled the 16th of April, Bright Hong Kong will host Andy Browne who enjoys the prestige of a great journalistic career.


Among his colleagues Andy Browne has the reputation of being the one who best knows China and its complex reality. He has been a journalist in Asia for the past 35 years and spent 20 years at Reuters News Agency, ending up as Asia-Pacific editor, before moving to The Wall Street Journal where he became China Editor and wrote a popular column called China’s World. He is currently the Editorial Director of The New Economy Forum, a Bloomberg conference to be held in Beijing. Andy shared a Pulitzer Prize for international reporting in 2007 and also won an Overseas Press Club Award for business reporting. By invitation only.

Song of Praise for a Flower: One Woman's Journey through China's Tumultuous 20th Century

Charlene Chu speaks for the first time about her work¨Song of Praise for a Flower: One Woman's Journey through China's Tumultuous 20th Century¨. This book that will be launched by Bright Hong Kong the 29th of March is largely the transcription of the vivid memories of Fengxian Chu who at 94 years of age, leaves behind the testimony of her life extraordinarily well narrated with the help of Charlene, her North-American cousin. By invitation only.

A Smart City needs to be a connected city, but a ¨Smarter city knows how and when to connect.  Hong Kong is far from being connected. Now is time to connect our Smart Citizens with Smart Global Experts, and contribute to grounding our Smart City.  Through a series of half-day talks each month, Invotech with our supporting partners brings the world of innovation and technology to Hong Kong and exposes Hong Kong to the world. 

Master facilitators of the Series are Prof. Gregg Li and Fletcher Ng.  The April workshop is about digital transformation for Hong Kong’s industries.  


Join us, to co-learn, co-play, co-explore, collaborate, and co-create.  Let’s make Hong Kong into a more competitive city, and let’s have fun upgrading the quality of living while we become smarter. 

April Symposium: Digital Transformation, 20 April, H6 CONET, 2:00 pm to 5:45 pm

Keynote: Digital Flow Market Using HK as a Hub?  


Speaker: Dr. Stephen Cheung from Silicon Valley

This is the 4th annual Ocean Film Festival in Hong Kong, and the only running event in Asia. We hope to see you at the Ocean in Motion Film Festival, about everything In, On and Under the water! April 15-19th, at various venues around Hong Kong, with Opening night at the HK Maritime Museum. 6:45 reception for 7:30pm screening. 

Event Trailer -

Green Is the New Black is pleased to announce Singapore based Conscious Festival coming to Hong Kong for Earth Day weekend


As the first festival of its kind in Hong Kong, The Conscious Festival by Green Is the New Black (GITNB) is an event for people who want to improve the way they think, live and consume while doing more good in the world. This is a place where fun and social environmental responsibility go hand in hand.


The festival empowers individuals to take #LittleGreenSteps to #LiveMoreConsciously, through a mindful marketplace (free entry), transformational talks (ticketed) and an industry Unconference (ticketed). Bringing together the best conscious local and international brands, speakers, and change makers who are making meaningful change in their industries, the festival provides a curated platform to raise awareness around sustainable consumption and lifestyle choices, so that people can make informed decisions about the way they live.


This year in Hong Kong The Conscious Festival will be a 3-day celebration for Earth Day. With two new components exclusive to Hong Kong – the UNCONFERENCE and the Film SCREENINGS. The first day is the industry day and will focus on making businesses circular. The following two days will be dedicated to individuals and families who want to live more consciously. Together we can do more with less and reduce our collective footprint the planet.


The event welcomes professionals, individuals, families and little ones, with a variety of activities that are fun for everyone, including talks, green games, live music, dancing and interactive art where everyone can be an activist.

French scientific schooner ¨Tara¨ will make a port call in Hong Kong from 7 to 15 March 2018.  Tara will berth at the Central Pier no9 and will be open to the public for tours on 10 & 11 March 2018. This leg is part of the Tara Pacific 2016-2018 expedition to conduct research on the adaptability of coral reefs to climate change.

Based in France, the Tara Expeditions Foundation is a recognized public-interest organization dedicated to the oceans. We have developed a unique and innovative Ocean science that can predict, anticipate and better prepare us for the future. Tara Expeditions uses this high-level scientific expertise to raise public awareness and educate young people, mobilize policy makers, and enable developing countries to access this new knowledge.

A floating laboratory, the schooner Tara has traveled nearly 400,000 kilometers since 2003, making stopovers in more than 60 countries during 11 expeditions conducted in collaboration with laboratories and international organizations of excellence (CNRS, CEA, EMBL, PSL, MIT, NASA, etc).

The research schooner Tara left her home port of Lorient on May 28th 2016 for a new expedition in the Asian Pacific. The boat will sail nearly 100,000 km around the Pacific Ocean for more than two years. The interdisciplinary team of scientists aboard, coordinated by the CNRS and the Scientific Centre of Monaco (CSM), will examine in a new way the biodiversity of coral reefs and their evolution in response to climate change and human activities. This adventure is sponsored by the CNRS, PSL, CEA, CSM and many other public and private partners.

Coral reefs cover less than 0.2% of the oceans’ surface, yet they include nearly 30% of known marine biodiversity. Their health is crucial to the diversity of species, and also for humanity. Studying this fragile and endangered ecosystem is a priority since a large number of reefs have been disappearing in recent years.

From east to west and from north to south, Tara will criss-cross the Pacific Ocean to explore the hidden diversity of coral reefs and gain a better understanding of their capacity to adapt to climate change. From the Panama Canal to the archipelago of Japan (2016-2017), from New Zealand to China (2017-2018), the schooner will traverse 11 time zones of the world’s largest ocean, and visit the most remote islands and reefs.

About the Summit:

The ocean is in trouble. Across the world, humans have effected dramatic change upon the seas. One thing is certain: our current course is unsustainable. Yet the ocean remains a vital resource with the potential to generate enormous economic growth. Balancing human activity with the long-term health of the ocean is essential.

The last year has been a decisive one for the ocean. In June the United Nations held its first conference on the ocean to discuss the implementation of an ocean-specific sustainable development goal. The COP23 climate change meeting presented an opportunity to usher in swifter and more ambitious action than we have seen so far. Companies, governments and individuals have made commitments to the ocean—many of which were unveiled at the World Ocean Summit 2017.

If 2017 was the year of big promises, 2018 must be about delivery. The World Ocean Summit, the most diverse and important global gathering on the ocean, will bring together political leaders and policymakers, heads of global business, scientists, NGOs and multilaterals for a frank and future-oriented discussion on how to turn these pledges into reality. Which initiatives have borne fruit, and which require reassessment? How can government and industry turn pledges into reality?


Since 2012 the World Ocean Summit has sought to focus the sometimes divergent perspectives of business, government and civil society on how we use our troubled seas. In 2018 the World Ocean Summit will expand into a wider, more ambitious World Ocean Initiative. Its vision will be of an ocean in robust health and with a vital economy; its goal to accelerate the transition to sustainable use of the ocean.

Plastic: The Material that Binds the Planet

Every year, 8 million tons of plastic goes into the oceans. Exactly how much plastic -microplastic- is out there chocking the oceans remains a mystery. Scientists are hard at work trying to find out. So far, though, experts haven’t found as much plastic floating in the oceans as they expected. All that missing plastic is worrisome.

Doug Woodring, who is founder and Managing Director of the Ocean Recovery Alliance  and has been recently awarded for Innovative Philanthropy by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco for his efforts to tackle a problem that is becoming one of the greatest enviromental challenges of our times.

Ocean Recovery Alliance focuses on bringing together new ways of thinking, technologies, creativity, collaboration, and initiatives to help improve the ocean environment.  

The Award is a global initiative jointly developed by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and The Tocqueville Foundation. Its goal is to highlight projects and initiatives that have triggered innovative activity in the field of philanthropy, seeking out individuals and organizations that inspire others and demonstrate strong impact or potential impact.


Bright Hong Kong celebrates this well-deserved recognition of the genuine commitment of Doug Woodring, a global leader in the fight to save our seas.

Strictly by Invitation Only.

China´s emergence as a World power. How history is shaping China's future

Bright Hong Kong, in coordination with the University of Oxford, is pleased to welcome Prof. Rana Mitter, who will be leading a dialogue on: ¨China's emergence as a World Power. How history is shaping China's future.¨

The extraordinary interest of this session lies not only in the fascinating subject of the discussion: China, its formidable history and the projection of its values ​​to turn it into a world power. The presenter also has an important role. This is Prof. Rana Shantashil Rajyeswar Mitter. He is a British historian and political scientist of Indian origin who specializes in the history of republican China.


He is Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China at the Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford University, Director of the University of Oxford China Centre, and a Fellow and Vice-Master of St Cross College. He is author of the 2013 book ¨China's War with Japan, 1937-1945: The Struggle for Survival¨, that  narrates the enormous challenge that China faced in the Second Sino-Japanese War. Rana Mitter is also a regular presenter for Night Waves (now known as ¨Free Thinking¨) on BBC Radio 3. On 16 July 2015, he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA).

Boris Dittrich will be hosted by Bright Hong Kong the 13th of November. Boris leads Human Rights Watch's advocacy efforts on the rights of LGBT people around the world. He meets regularly with victims of homophobia and trans-phobia, and with government officials, members of parliament, and journalists in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe to push for progress on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. Among his notable achievements: co-launching the landmark Yogyakarta Principles at the United Nations.


He's helping to get 67 nations to agree to combat discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; being instrumental in persuading former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to publicly condemn homophobia for the first time; and convincing the Vatican to make a formal UN statement in favor of decriminalizing homosexual conduct and respecting the human rights of homosexual people. Before coming to Human Rights Watch in 2007, Boris was a member of the Dutch parliament for more than 12 years. He initiated the same sex marriage and adoption bills, making the Netherlands the first country in the world to open its civil marriage for gays and lesbians. Before being elected to parliament, Boris was a judge at the regional court of Alkmaar and a lawyer in Amsterdam. He is author of three novels and two non-fiction works in Dutch, one on LGBT rights. His book W.O.L.F. was chosen as best Dutch thriller of 2016. 

We are choking the Oceans. No doubt about it. There are more than 320 million tonnes of plastic every year produced globally. Half of that os for single use. It´s estimated that 8 million tonnes anters the oceans each year. Just in 1961the global plastic production was 8 million tons.


Just In Hong Kong the volume of plastic waste reach 2183 tons/day.

What makes this amazing amount of plastic?

* Shopping bags 649 tons / plastic cutleries 131 tons / 

* EPS trays & others 112 tons / plastic bottles & caps 206 tons

* Packaging materials, toys & stationary and others 1084 tons

Be aware and be involved. Don't miss this opportunity. Join us this coming  15th of November 2017, 18:00-21:00 at The Royal Bank of Canada, 15F, Cheung Kong Centre 2 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong SAR, China

Canadian Chamber Member Price: HKD 210

Non-Member Price: HKD 315

China´s vision in the years to come. Analysis on the 19th Congress of the Communist Party

Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Professor in Political Science at Hong Kong Baptist University, offers a panoramic view of the new political balance and vision of China and its leader Xi Jinping, in the historical search for greatness that can lead it to become the greatest power in all orders in the contemporary world. All this, at the end of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party.


The National Congress takes place every 5 years and since the mid-1980s, the Communist Party has attempted to maintain a smooth and orderly succession and avoiding a cult of personality, by having a major shift in personnel every ten years in even number party congresses, and by promoting people in preparation for this shift in odd number party congresses. Part of the discussion will aim to assess the consolidation of current leadership and the overall state of the national project.

How our values & behavior shapes economy and politics, 28/09/17 (By invitation only).

Prof. Alicia García-Herrero is Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at NATIXIS. She also serves as Senior Research Fellow at the European think-tank BRUEGEL; she is full time commited as a professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Senior Research Fellow at Elcano Royal Institute for International Relations.

The discussion will be dealing with the theoretical model that has justified egoism and individualism for more than 60 years. The alternative is of altruistic character and of collaboration in the society, particularly before the scene of increasing scarcity of the natural resources.


The general justification for the model mentioned above is that the economy determines that short-term vision that focuses on our individual interests without a whole and responsible vision. We will discuss the imperative to rebuild our value system because in the end, the economy is only a consequence and an instrument.

Hong Kong Book Fair is an international book fair and has established itself as a platform for cultural exchange, not just for Hong Kong but the globe as a whole. The exhibition is divided into several themed zones representing various sectors in the world of publishing and ensuring that the Hong Kong Book Fair keeps up with trends in the industry. New zones include multimedia, featuring ebooks, online publishing, audio-visual learning aids and educational software. Other zones will focus on books related to the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, teenagers, children and religion. Hong Kong Book Fair is held annually and in conjunction with the the Hong Kong Publishing Copyright Fair.


The Hong Kong Book Fair will take place on 7 days from Wednesday, 19. July to Tuesday, 25. July 2017 in Hong Kong.

Human Dignity: A Concept of Enlightment

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

¨All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.¨

¨Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.​¨

Human dignity is the fundamental principle of the German Political Constitution. Article 1, paragraph 1 reads: ¨Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.¨ Human dignity is thus mentioned even before the Right to Life. This has a significant impact on German law-making and jurisdiction in both serious and trivial items. 

Mr. Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff, Consul General of Germany in Hong Kong, recently appointed as Ambassador to Malaysia, will be speaking about the relevance of this topic and the way that the people of Germany embrace the cornerstone of the political system.

Is Populism a Problem?

The 2017 World Forum for Democracy  will focus on the role of political parties and media in the context of rising populism. A growing disconnect between citizens and political elites and dramatic changes in the media ecosystem are a challenge for democracy as we know it. New political and media actors and practices are emerging, offering opportunities for direct, unmediated engagement of the public, unbound by ethical or institutional safeguards. How can pluralism, freedom of expression, and fair and evidence-based public debate be safeguarded in these new conditions? How to nourish political culture which embraces a long-term perspective and resists the excesses of populism?

Populism & Nationalism: Democracy on The Brink

In his book ¨Democracy and Populism. Fear and Hatred¨  the historian John Lukacs says that democracy has changed substantially since the second World War, evolving into a dangerous and possibly irreversible populism. Amb. Claudia Reinprecht, recently appointed Permanent Representative of Austria to UNESCO in Paris, will be discerning the complexity of democracy on thgis new era when every problem confornted by our societies only exists because "the others". Bright Hong Kong organize and host this event as a farewell to Amb. Reinprecht. 

During her diplomatic career Amb. Reinprecht has been working on a broad range of issues ranging from bilateral relations with international organizations, in particular the United Nations, to global human rights, international humanitarian law and minority rights issues, European Union and economic relations to European third countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, as well as with the European Free Trade Association and the European Environment Agency. Her career also includes international justice and home affairs, including terrorism and the fight against organized crime.

Asia & The New Global Disorder

Hong Kong, 27th of April, 2017.


With the turn of the century, the world has experienced a series of profound disruptive transformations and simultaneous discontinuities. They include:

•    The collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the cold war

•    The amazing rise of China

•    The global market revolution

•    The transformative impact of supply chains on production processes

•    Unprecedented multiple demographic developments

• Radical innovations in information-communication technologies, comparable in impact, as the late Peter Drucker argued, to the Gutenberg bible

•    Rapid environmental evolutions

•    Rise of new geopolitical forces and actors

•    Obsessive searches for identity and what Pankaj Mishra calls "the age of anger"

•    Etc …

However, while these multiple transformations affecting virtually every aspect of human life have surged exponentially, institutions and the mentalities (especially of the Western elites) have evolved, at best, at a linear pace.

Globalisation was not, contrary to expectations and assumptions, leading to a “new world order”, but rather to a chaotic transition to uncertainty.

None of the "old order" institutions – UN and its multiple agencies, World Bank, IMF, WTO, etc – are functioning properly. At global, regional (eg EU) and national levels there is, among other things, a profound leadership deficit.

Witness as the Cancún (Mexico) WTO ministerial conference in 2003 following the launch in 2001 of the Doha Development Round, I was convinced that the arrangement would not work. At the global institutional level, we have a tower of Babel – indeed the scene at Cancún was reminiscent of the scene in the famous play of the Italian surrealist author Luigi Pirandello: “Six actors in search of an author” (Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore). The Western powers and Japan, the erstwhile dominant players, played intransigently, the new players (led by China, India, Brazil and South Africa) rebelled. The conclusion: the death of Doha and all the promise a reinvigorated and more just global institution could have had.

This global transformation occurs as much of the Asian continent, from the East China Sea to the Red Sea, experiences in some cases highly positive (mainly economic and social) and in other cases highly turbulent (mainly political and geopolitical transformations – from Damascus to Pyongyang. Dominated by the Western imperialist powers (and Japan) throughout most of the 19th and 20th centuries, most of Asia was relegated to a passive global role. Clearly, the narrative of the 21st century will be written in Asia. This narrative, however, is occurring within the context of an institutional chaotic vacuum with atavistic forces still seeking to (literally) call the shots. For Asia to thrive, solid institution-building must be an urgent imperative. 

¨Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics: The Great Metamorphosis of the 21st Century¨

Bright Hong Kong is very pleased to welcome Prof. Ngaire Woods to discuss:

¨Inequality, Globalization, and World Politics: 

The Great Metamorphosis of the 21st Century¨

Professor Ngaire Woods is the inaugural Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government and Professor of Global Economic Governance at Oxford University. Her research focuses on global economic governance, the challenges of globalization, global development, and the role of international institutions. She founded the Global Economic Governance Programme. She is co-founder (with Robert O. Keohane) of the Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellowship programme. She led the creation of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and, before her appointment as Dean, served as the School’s Academic Director.


Ngaire Woods has served as an Advisor to the IMF Board, to the UNDP’s Human Development Report, and to the Commonwealth Heads of Government. She was a regular presenter of the Analysis Program for BBC Radio 4, and in 1998 presented her own BBC TV series on public policy. She has also served as a member of the IMF European Regional Advisory Group, and Chair of a World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council. She is currently a Rhodes Trustee, a member of the Advisory Group of the Center for Global Development (Washington DC), a member of the Academic and Policy Board of Oxonia, a member of the Board of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and a Trustee of the Europeaum.


The Hong Kong-based Ocean Recovery Alliance has announced the scheduling of two Plasticity Forum events for the first half of 2017, with both forums taking place in the United States.


¨We will be having two Plasticity Forums in the U.S. this spring,¨ says Doug Woodring, lead organizer of the forums. The first event will be in Dallas and ¨will be part of the ‘world’s biggest Earth Day´ event on April 21,¨ he adds.

The EarthDayTX event will include 10 or more conferences or seminars within the overall event, which takes place April 21-23 at the Dallas Fair Park.


The second Plasticity Forum has been scheduled for Anaheim on May 9, 2017, as part of ANTEC, an annual Society of Plastics Engineers event.


Woodring says information on both events can be found on the Plasticity Forum website, and each event has exhibit space available for those interested.

Hope as By Product of Innovation

2017 is the beginning - for this time - of a new cycle that goes beyond the anecdote of the calendar. Times of uncertainty challenge us in many ways. How we respond is a test of character. How do we find the courage to seize this opportunity to grow? How willing are we to examine our assumptions?


    For Hong Kong to reinvent itself, very tough questions need to be asked. We have to confront and push through deep fears. This topic certainly could lead to a vigorous discussion.


    Po Chi Wu is a Board Director at EFN and a lecturer at Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, where he has initiated programs in innovation and entrepreneurship at all levels: undergraduate, MSc, MBA, and professional training for corporate executives. His 30 years of experience as a highly successful international venture capitalist and entrepreneur provides a unique perspective and a rich context for everything he does.


    He is currently a Vice-Chairman of Invotech, a non-profit organization in Hong Kong. He is driving an initiative, “Smart Conversations, Smart Citizens”, which aims to inspire and motivate entrepreneurs, especially young people, to focus their energies on creating practical solutions that will make Hong Kong a better, “smarter” city. He is also Brigtht Hong Kong member.


Other special guests: Ms. Annemieke Ruigrok, Consul General of the Netherlands; Dr. Sari Arho, Consul on Innovation (Finland); Greg ¨Dr. G¨ Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (PolyU Design).

The fourth World Ocean Summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia, on February 22nd-24th 2017 and will bring a critical eye to the vital issue of how to finance a sustainable ocean economy. Our aim is ambitious: to mobilise a new discussion on how capital and the private sector can drive scalable, sustainable investment in the ocean.

24th of November

"Hong Kong – Vienna Dialogue: Smart People, Smart Economy –

What It Takes to Become an ‘Industry 4.0’ Global Competence Centre"

This seminar will discuss the significance of the latest developmental trends for the economy of key global cities like Vienna and Hong Kong (Industry 4.0’ and the ‚Internet of Everything’) as well as associated key enabling technologies (e.g. 3D-Print, Smart Wearables, Robotics, Big Data, Cloud Services, etc.)

Speakers: Mr. Roland Sommer, CEO, Plattform Industrie 4.0, Vienna; Mrs Agnes Mak Tang Pik-yee, Executive Director, Hong Kong Productivity Council; and Mr. Simon Wong, CEO, R&D Centre for Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

25th of November

"Hong Kong – Vienna Dialogue: Smart City Life and the 'Internet of Everything"

This event will discuss trends in digitalization as they have already begun to influence urban life and future development. We will see profound changes in, for example, urban mobility, energy consumption or building technologies.


This has several implications for city planning and the work of the urban politics and urban administrations.

Speakers:  Mr. Roland Sommer, CEO, Plattform Industrie 4.0, Vienna; Mr. Gordon Lo, Director of Business Management Branch, Hong Kong Productivity Council; and Dr. Frank Tong, Research & Technology Development Director, R&D Centre for Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

The Royal Commonwealth Society Hong Kong Branch & The Royal Geographical Society invite to the opening of an exhibition of The Prince of Wale's Commonwealth Enviromental Photography Awards "Out of The Blue"  at 7pm, Friday, 25 of November 2016 at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum (Pier 8 next to Star Ferry, Central).

British Consul General Andrew Heyn will open the exhibition at 7:15 pm. Ocean Recovery Alliance Co-founder Doug Woodring will speak at 7:30 pm.

Tariff: HK$ 200. Drinks and snacks will be served. Events: : 

This exhibition was organized in memory of Dr. Geoffrey Yeh.

Community Business Conference 2016

Leveraging over a decade of expertise and thought leadership, we are delighted to introduce the Community Business Conference 2016 - the premier platform for leading, inspiring and supporting companies to adopt responsible and inclusive business practices in Asia.


Building on the established reputation of our leading Diversity & Inclusion in Asia Conference, we are extending the focus to examine broader aspects of responsible business. United by the theme: harnessing the power of business to drive social change - the 2-day programme.

Don´t miss it! This coming 15th and 16th of November.

The European Union Academic Programme with the support of Bright Hong Kong, invites:

Tuesday 15th of November: Hong Kong – Vienna Dialogue: Integrated and Networked Urban Redevelopment in the European Union - ‘Smarter Together’ in Vienna, a Horizon 2020 Project. Speaker: Dr. Julia Girardi-Hoog, City of Vienna, MA 25 – Urban Renewal Panelists: Mr. Roger Tang, Head of Planning and Design, HK Urban Renewal Authority and Mr. Ken Lai Sze Fat, Assistant Urban Planner The seminar will use a current EU project as an example: ‘Smarter Together’. ‘Smarter Together’ demonstrates ‘smart’ solutions in areas such as citizen engagement, housing refurbishment, district heating and RES, smart data, and e-mobility. The project involves eight European cities of which Vienna is a prominent ‘lighthouse partner’…

Wednesday 16th of November: Hong Kong – Vienna Dialogue: Smart Integrated Urban Renewal – Resource Efficiencies, Innovation and Citizens’ Quality of Living. Speaker: Dr. Julia Girardi-Hoog, City of Vienna, MA 25 – Urban Renewal Panelists: Paul Zimmerman, CEO, Designing Hong Kong; Mr. Frank Wong, Deputy Head, Energizing Kowloon East Office and Mr. Ken Lai Sze Fat, Assistant Urban Planner.

In collaboration with the European Union Academic Programme, Bright Hong Kong supports a serie of 10 seminars and one exhibition during November 2016 until January 2017.

In collaboration with the European Union Academic Programme, Bright Hong Kong supports an exhibition on strategic urban planning for the world's most livable city:

- Resource Preservation.

- Innovation.

-Quality of Life

The exhibition opening will be held the 3rd of November at 5 pm with:

Speaker(s):Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary of the Government of the HKSAR; Mrs. Maria Vassilakou, Deputy Mayor and Vice-Governor of Vienna, Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation; Dr. Claudia Reinprecht, Consul General of Austria.

Immediately following the formal opening, there will be an Exhibition Opening Talk; which the topic will be Hong Kong – Vienna Dialogue: visions for the City of the Future.


Speech by      Mrs. Maria Vassilakou


Deputy Mayor and Vice-Governor of Vienna, Executive City Councillor for Urban Planning, Traffic & Transport, Climate Protection, Energy and Public Participation

The exhibition explores the impact of energy transition on urban mobility in Vienna to create a new vision for a post-carbon city in 2050. Bright Hong Kong participates as supporting organization with the European Union Academic Programme Hong Kong.

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