By focusing on the relation betwen passion and knowledge, we aim to expand the
current debate and to explore a less intentional but more reflexive aspect of knowledge...
Respect for life and the human being, regardless of age, sex, creed or race.
Critical Thinking & Curiosity
Bright Hong Kong is an arena of independent and creative ideas with access to a reflexive dialogue.
We promote intellectual freedom and the permanent search of knowledge.
& Cultural Awareness
Self-consciousness to know our reach and what we are looking in life.
Inter-Cultural Awareness to create knowledge and a dialogue based in respect and tolerance.
Intellectual Courage & Empathy
We try to build a reserve of courage to be true to our own thinking.
At same time we recognize the need to be consistent in the intellectual standards given by good faith and the sense of fairmindedness.
The quality of humanism is determined by a sense of empathy, and ability to feel with others.

Society, Philosophy, Politics & Economy
Philosophy referred to any body of knowledge
Ethics & Business
Ecologic & social responsability
Sustentable prosperity
Enhancement of Human & Social capital
Governance & Public Policies
Dignity and balance in politics & economy
Human Rights, Law & Justice
Creativity, innovation and technology
International cooperation
Philantropy and others subjects related
Culture & Arts
We are commited with a critical examination of culture and its role.
History: The Roots of Innovation
Any society that doesn't pay proper attention to it not only has dangerously shallow roots. The study of History is also a resource to foster innovation.
The study of History is in fact, one of the key things that helps to define us as human beings. Its study feeds our sense of self and our collective sense of the past.